TBH: Book Review — Unapologetic Freedom



Source: Photo by Author

The Bitcoin Hobbyist (TBH) is here and I am starting a new book review series with my medium blog. These reviews will be quick and to the point. I have read a few books in the Bitcoin space already and maybe I will go back and review those books some day. But for now I will focus on the book I read from 2022 and on. So welcome as I give a review of the first book!

How did I find out about this book?

I heard about this book from my go to podcast Tales from the Crypt (TFTC) #321 Unapologetic Freedom. The author of this book Justin Rezvani and comedian JP Sears. Justin was on the TFTC podcast before and provided a great dialog with podcast host Marty Bent. On that pod he was promoting his new startup called Zion. Which is social media using the lightning network. Justin took a lot of flak for starting Zion by forking the Sphinx Chat code but he defended himself well and almost compelled me to download Zion. During this episode Justin brought good energy and spoke every well again. So well it got me to buy his book and give it a read.

Book Details

Pages: 127; Store: Amazon Cost: $10.99; Large font with easy to read with minimal graphics. Audio book available as mentioned on the podcast.


Justin starts the book about his near death expeirence that started in an orthordonics chair. From there he does a quick an dirty explination of our monetary system then tranistions how social media companies today completely have all the power and how using a new system can preserve our freedoms and allow the interent to be a medium for people to have freeflowing ideas without tech overlord manipulation. Bitcoin is the technology that can usher a new way we intreact with each other in the digital age.

The Bitcoin Hobbyist’s main take away

The internet sucks the way it is now. Money sucks as well. Use my new service called Zion ( I give props to Justin for not shilling his startup in this book) to build a better future on Bitcoin the best money ever invented. If you were alive for when Donald Trump was booted off Tinder this book sums up as to why that happen and how we haven’t done anything to fix the issue of censorship.

Ranking and Recommendation

⭐️⭐️ and 1/2 stars (out of 5)

If you are an experienced bitcoiner I would skip this book. While Justin does a decent job explaining whats going on I feel most bitcoiners already know this. The writing is very basic, plain english. I think this a good book for a high school junior who doesn’t know anything about Bitcoin and why Donald Trump was kicked off Twitter. But if you are up on game on Bitcoin Twitter and you listen to podcasts and already read the The Bitcoin Standard this book is hard pass. While the book could be read in a few hours I didn’t come away feeling like I learned something new or was blown away by some fact I had zero idea about. Justin you are great on pods but you missed the mark with writing this book.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post! For a free 500 sats scan the QR code below with a lightning wallet (only one scan available). If you have any questions please drop a comment or DM me on Twitter I am willing to help where ever I can.


Hobbyist Out!

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